Bishops Atanasije and Maksim serve Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Novi Pazar

His Grace Bishop Atanasije today (Mar 7) served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Novi Pazar with the concelebration of His Grace Bishop Maksim of Western America and the clergy of the Diocese of Raška and Prizren.

Over one hundred faithful took part in Holy Liturgy, including the sisters of the female monastery of Končul, religion teachers and a lot of children who also took communion. The children’s choir from Novi Pazar sang during the Liturgy. Bishop Atanasije later delivered a homily on Christianity and Christian Cross-resurrecting spirituality as joy and light, unlike the dark pseudo-spirituality of those who do not know of love and community in Christ the Crucified and Risen. The faithful who were present were warmly addressed in the end by Bishop Maksim, who conveyed the support and greetings of their Orthodox brothers and sisters from distant America. Both Bishops with the priests and faithful then took refreshments served in the parish home, where Bishop Atanasije spoke and joked separately with the children.

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Audio file of Bishop Atanasije's homily in Serbian 15 МБ

After Hierarchal Liturgy Bishop Atanasije visited the ancient Peter’s Church, one of the oldest Christian holy sites in our region.

In the monastery of Gračanica today His Grace Bishop Artemije served Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of His Grace Bishop Justin of Timok and Vicar Bishop Teodosije of Lipljan. In his homily Bishop Justin talked about the importance of the Great Fast as a period of “spiritual vigil” and the Holy Cross of the Lord, which is celebrated on this Sunday of the Cross during the Forty Day Fast. Several dozen faithful took part in the Holy Liturgy.