Published: 14/10/2010
Modified: 12/10/2020
Celebration of the Shroud of the Holy Virgin Mary at Peć Patriarchate Monastery
This year's feast of the Shroud (Omophorion) of the Virgin Mary was solemnly celebrated at Peć Patriarchate Monastery with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia. The Holy Liturgy was served by Fr. Milovan Kiković together with Fr. Miljko Korićanin, Fr. Radivoje Panić, Fr. Aleksandar Sredojević, Fr. Predrag Cerović, Fr. Stefan from Zočiste Monastery and hierodeacon Martinijan. Decani monks were chanting the service. The Liturgy was attended by a few hundred believers from Serbia, Montenegro as well as from local Serbian enclaves in Metohia. After the breaking of the Slava cake Abbess Fevronia with her sisters offered a lunch for the guests. This was one more opportunity for the faithfull to gather at the Patriarchal Monastery where on October 3rd His Holiness Patrijarch Irinej was enthroned.