Published: 20/04/2010
Modified: 12/10/2020
New publications: “Notes on Ecumenism” by Holy Father Justin (Popovich), prepared by Bishop Atanasije, published by Tvrdoš Monastery, 2010
With the blessing of Bishop Atanasije, we wish to inform our readers that a new book by Holy Avva Justin has been printed, NOTES ON ECUMENISM. This book, comprised of 35 pages with 12 facsimiles of Holy Avva Justin’s notes, is an important complement to his book, “The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism”. The new book was prepared by Bishop Atanasije
and published by Tvrdoš Monastery.
“Ecumenism is a movement that in itself swarms with many questions. And all those questions, in fact, spring from one wish and recede into one wish. And that wish wants one thing: the True Church of Christ. And the true Church of Christ provides, and should provide, answers to all the questions and sub questions posed by Ecumenism. For if the Church of Christ does not resolve the eternal questions of the human spirit, then it is wholly unnecessary.” Avva Justin (one of the notes of Holy Avva Justin from the newly published book)