Published: 08/05/2010
Modified: 12/10/2020
Vespers service and concert on the eve of the patron saint's day of Zvečan
Bishop Atanasije, the administrator of the Diocese of Raška-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija, took part this evening in a festal Vespers service in the church of the St. George in Zvečan and then attended a concert of childrens' and youth choirs, organized on the occasion of tomorrow's celebration of the patron saint's day of Zvečan, which is celebrated on the first Sunday after the feastday of this Saint. The Vespers service was attended by priests from the Mitrovica church administrative district and municipal representatives of the town of Zvečan.
Singing at the concert were a children's choir from Velika Hoča, the church choir from Novi Pazar, the children's choir of Kraljevo and St. George Choir from the town of Zvečan. The Bishop joined the children in singing old songs of Kosovo. Tomorrow Bishop Atanasije will be serving Holy Liturgy in the church of Zvečan, to be followed by the cutting of the slava bread.